Disappointed, I look at the contents of the box the online supermarket Picnic has left on our doorstep. Bread, milk, cheese, and four oranges. Apparently, our credit is not coded for the other items of food we ordered. Enforcement destroyed Heidi’s vegetable garden last week. Too bad. We defeated the snails but forgot to take the neighbors into account, who called enforcement. And I get it. To report illicit home growing yields quite a bit of extra credit.
Jobs in enforcement are rewarded with the most food, housing, and travel credit. With my military background, a job in enforcement would make sense, but like the Mexican freedom fighter Emiliano Zapata, I’d rather die standing than live on my knees. About 40 percent of the world’s population works in enforcement. Our leaders, the financiers of the former WEF, who now call themselves Global Management, have unlimited credit. For all other citizens, from laborers to surgeons, the credit rewarded to them depends on how metacomputers rate their monthly output and their behavior. Wonderful system. Global Management speaks of stakeholder capitalism, which can best be described as a modern variant of Marxism-Leninism. Wonderful system, I repeat, not to be culpable of yet another infringement, but the metacomputers that monitor, judge, reward, and punish us are rather eh… rather rigid.
Heidi and I make do with a Universal Basic Income, and our chances to ever replenish it are slim because of the blogs I wrote during the revolution. A few days ago, walking with Moos the German shepherd, we accidentally overstepped the boundaries of our designated area of free movement, the kind of infringement for which metacomputers normally deduct travel credit. But UBI citizens are not eligible to save up travel credit in their digital wallet, linked to their digital passport, and thus, we have been cut on our BNPs instead, our Basic Needs Points, and ... it’s February 2022, not February 2026, and I don’t look at the contents of a box from Picnic but at a printed message on the sliding doors of an Intersport branch in the village of Schruns, in Austria, where Heidi and I live: Bitte 2G-nachweis und Lichtbildausweis bereithalten. Please have proof of vaccination or proof of recovery ready as well as a photo ID. Disappointed then? Not at all, because again, I think of Emiliano Zapata, who once remarked that we should not approach tyrannical governments hat in hand.
The printed message I look at slides to the left. A young woman walks out of the Intersport and halts next to me. She takes off her facial mask, making me wonder whether the vaccines against covid are as effective as tyrannical governments try to make us believe, and takes a package of cigarettes out of a pocket of the fashionable ski suit she wears while looking at me in a way I find hard to define. But something friendly must be evident in the grin into which I feel my mouth twitch because the hand holding the package of cigarettes is held out to me. Danke, ich fange morgen an, would I have mocked if my new friend had walked out of the Intersport unmasked and if her brightly painted, glued on fingernails had escaped my attention. Thank you, I’ll start tomorrow, would I have mocked if only the arrogance her eyes possibly betray had not been covered by the part of her excess weight that more or less conceals those eyes, and ... oh man, I often, like now, don’t like myself much although, I reassure myself in mitigation, the revolution that is in fact going on would have been a hopeless endeavor if people were a tad less obedient and had, the last few decades, lived a tad healthier. Covid, in that case, could never have been the instrument that now offers a handful of people their unique window of opportunity to build back better …
A lighter’s flame hits the tip of a cigarette. The eyes above the burning tip still on me as I think of the old man I met some years ago. He introduced himself as Klaus Schwab, boasted he knew everyone, even the pope. My mouth, back then, probably twitched into the same grin it just did because the man invited me to come to Saint Peter’s Square the following Sunday, in Rome, to see proven that he knew even the pope. On Saturday, Heidi and I set out for Rome, and on Sunday morning, we stood among thousands of people on St. Peter’s Square. At the stroke of noon, the Pope appeared on a balcony, and as I focused my binoculars to see who was standing next to him, a woman poked me in the ribs with her elbow and asked me, ‘Could you tell me who's the weirdo in that dress, standing next to Klaus Schwab on the balcony?’
Reluctantly, some mainstream media journalists occasionally admit that something about our governments’ reaction to covid is not right. But, they usually add, they’re not conspiracy theorists. All that so-called conspiracy theorists have brought forward so far is the notion that something about our governments’ reaction to covid is not right, most of them scientifically substantiating their claim while no government worldwide has substantiated its covid policies over the past two years.
A few days ago, the Austrian parliament approved compulsory vaccination for all people living in Austria. No substantiation offered, all people living in Austria having to accept the vaccines against covid to be effective and safe. Well, effective they are, but as many of the world’s censored scientists predicted, their effectiveness is negative; the vaccines enhance our chances to be infected with the covid variant omicron, enhance our chances to be hospitalized because of omicron, and enhance our chances to die of omicron. According to the Jerusalem Post, eighty percent of the people in Israel being hospitalized because of covid and dying of it have been double vaccinated and boosted. Data from South Africa, the United Kingdom, and some states in North America paint a similar picture. And safe? I eh… I don’t know as many people as Klaus Schwab does, but I do know some nurses working on ambulances, do know an undertaker, and do know someone who works in the insurance industry. Call those people’s experiences anecdotal, data recently leaked from the US Department of Defense and a recently conducted, proactive investigation into vaccine adverse events in Israel are far from anecdotal, and the only relevant discussion about VAERS – who hasn’t heard of it? – is a discussion about its under reporting factor.
Unvaccinated people in Austria are under house arrest since the first of October last year. Covid infection rates are higher than ever, which must be Heidi’s and my fault; we escape our house arrest trice a day at least. As far as the parliament’s decision regarding compulsory vaccination is concerned, we saw the storm coming. Last week, we moved most of our possessions to the Netherlands. Tomorrow, we leave Austria for good with the last of what we possess, and I admit to feeling somewhat upset, my thoughts chaotic.
Life in the Netherlands, our vaccinated friends and acquaintances are convinced, will soon revert to normal. Unfortunately, Heidi and I know better, and our stay in the Netherlands will be short lived. The Dutch, meanwhile, celebrate the prospect of slackening covid measures, and while the mainstream media force their gaze in the direction of Ukraine, the EU prepares the introduction of a digital passport, for which vaccination apps paved the road, as conspiracy theorists predicted, and the introduction of digital money, the thought of which prompts a voice in the back of my head to tell me that digital passports and digital money belong to a digital age. Not really, I object, for neither digital passports nor digital money will be unconditional, which is exactly what passports and money should be …
Computer giant Bill Gates, whose foundation finances the development of vaccines and the European online supermarket Picnic, and to whose WHO the Dutch government, among others, will soon transfer the right to regulate the lives of people during a next pandemic, told us in an interview that the corona variant omicron is unfortunately a better vaccine against corona than the recently developed vaccines. Many censored scientists – I subscribed to their newsletters before the mainstream- and social media endorsed the censorship of their publications – predicted a mere two years ago that covid-19 would beat covid-19 soon enough. In addition, they substantiated the risk of mass vaccination during a pandemic, and ... I break away from woman next to me, who still stares at me while deeply inhaling the smoke of her cigarette, and I walk into the Intersport, where a young, seemingly sportive employee receives me. In front of her face, of which the lower part is covered by a facial mask, she wears a transparent, plastic screen that is connected to a headband. She points at a bottle of disinfectant on a tripod next to her and kindly asks: ‘Ihr 2G-nachweis und Ausweis, bitte?’
‘I’m sorry, but I can’t help you with that,’ I answer equally kindly in German.
‘But could you at least wear your mouth- and nose coverage?’
‘That’s not necessary. I’m not symptomatic, so I can’t spread covid. And fear to get covid I don’t have because I’m healthy and unvaccinated,’ which is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, I add in my mind as my thoughts drift to Howard Roark, the main character in Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead, standing trial for his unwillingness to live on his knees. And from Howard Roark, those thoughts drift on to an interview with Klaus Schwab I recently watched. In the background of his study, where he was interviewed, a bust of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Ayn Rand fled Russia shortly after Lenin’s death. Digging into my memory for Rand’s description of a human being, I brush the Intersport manager’s hand off my shoulder. Man, I dig up, is a heroic being, his own happiness the moral purpose of his life, productive achievement his noblest activity, and reason his only absolute …
Above his Mund- und Nasenschutz, I read in the eyes of the manager of the Intersport that he realizes I’m more dangerous than covid, and I turn to a rack of rock climbing gear. Reason is breaking the covid narrative, but the agenda rolls on, and our unique window of opportunity to awaken from our hypnosis and to halt that handful of people desiring to build back better without our consent gets smaller. Not a single case of symptomatic covid came close to Heidi’s or me over the course of the last two years. Vaccine adverse events come frighteningly close as the hypnotized masses prefer to remain ignorant of those adverse events, and once again, I think of Emiliano Zapata, the Mexican freedom fighter, who shared with us the wisdom that ignorance only breeds slaves for tyranny.
I eh… I would rather remain ignorant of vaccine adverse events if I had been vaccinated against covid. There is no reason, however, for anyone to be ignorant of treaties regarding our health that our governments sign with dubious organizations or to be ignorant of the autocratic implementation by the EU of a digital passport and Central Bank Digital Currency. So far, I realize, the great reset – own nothing and be happy – has left nothing of us that appeals to Rand’s description of man. We allow ourselves to be vaccinated as if it were a rite of passage to be reborn in a new world and refuse to accept that Klaus Schwab’s agenda – the WEF’s agenda – is a reality, not a conspiracy theory, that his ideas, espoused by many government leaders, are appalling, and that Marxism-Leninism is much preferable to stakeholder capitalism.
No police officer in sight as I pay for some climbing gear at the Intersport’s checkout counter, my thoughts still with Klaus Schwab, who knows everyone although hardly anyone knows him – our adventure in Rome an imaginary one – like hardly anyone, in 1919, knew Dietrich Eckart. Still, without Dietrich Eckhart, there would not have been a Second World War …
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